TM Sport & Racing

Legal Advice & Privacy Policy

The present General Conditions regulate the use of this web page in Internet which TURBOMASTER, S.L., puts at your service to all Internet users the following web page:  WWW.TURBOSBYTM.COM imply the acceptance of the present General Conditions, which the user has read each time this page is used, because the present page and the conditions could be subject to modifications. The access to this web page is exclusive responsibility of the users and means the acceptance and knows the legal advices, conditions and general use.


1. - Legal Information

In accordance to Art.10 of the Spanish Law 34/2002, of 11 July, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Trade (LSS1-CE) and of the Law 56/2007, of 28 December, of Medidas de Impulso de la Sociedad de la Información, we notice that the present web page WWW.TURBOSBYTM.COM, belongs to TURBOMASTER, S.L, with C.I.F. number B28633063 and social address in CL/ MAR MEDITERRANEO 1, NAVE 7, 28830, SAN FERNANDO DE HENARES, MADRID, and register in Mercantile Register of Madrid, sheet of paper M-68312, leaf page 215, volume, book 0, section 8, E-mail


2.  Data protection

In accordance with the Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, of Personal Protection Character Law and Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 December, this approves the Development Regulations of this Law.  The form with your personal details gathered voluntarily in this web or e-mail and accepts its sending, you are authorizing to include in an index card property of TURBOMASTER, S.L, strictly fulfils with the privacy of personal data and the use of them confidentially, assuming the technical measures, organization and security needed to avoid its alterations, loss, illegal treatment or access not authorized.  TURBOMASTER, S.L, is exempt of any responsibility if the voluntary information supplied was incomplete or unreal for the users of this web page: WWW.TURBOSBYTM.COM. TURBOMASTER, S.L, guarantee that the data information will be treated with the purpose to keep the commercial and promotional relationship about the services of this company, with yourself or the company that you represent.

Nevertheless previously, you can execute your access rights, rectifications, cancelation and opposition of disposed in the mentioned Organic Law, notifying in writing to the Person in charge of Data Protection of TURBOMASTER, S.L,., in CL/ MAR MEDITERRANEO 1, NAVE 7, 28830, SAN FERNANDO DE HENARES, MADRID, or by e-mail address E-mail


3. - Informatics Security

TURBOMASTER, S.L,   informs that this web page hasn’t any virus, spy programs and they don’t use cookies for its navigation.


4. - Data processing of minors under 14

TURBOMASTER, S.L, has the necessary entitlement not to recollect data from users under 14 years old, according to Art. 13.2 of the Real Reglamento (Royal Degree) 1720/2007, of 21 December, of the Development of the Organic Law 157/1999, of 13 December, of Personal Character Data Protection (LOPD) this page its not intentionally directed to less than 14 years of age.


5. - To insert Links to the web page

The internet users which would like to insert links from their own web page to this page should fulfil the following conditions:

  • The link can only bind with the home page or the main page but cannot be reproduced by any other way (online links, copy of texts, graphics, etc.).
  • Not allowed to establish frames of any kind that would involve the web page or allow the visualisation of their contents by any other Internet directions to this page and this prohibition includes the joint visualising of its contents through different Internet addresses of this page and this prohibition also includes visualize jointly with contents belonging to other different pages, so that:
    • A. Could cause bug, confusion or fraud to the users about the real origin of the contents.
    • B. Could cause an act of comparison or disloyal imitation.
    • C. Take advantages of the company reputation and the prestige of TURBOMASTER, S.L,
    • D. In any other way could result prohibit by the legislation in force or attempt against the uses and habit of good professional manners that are the general approval in internet.
  • Under no circumstances will you state in the same page where the link is located of TURBOMASTER, S.L,   has given their agreement to insert the link or in a different manner to sponsor, cooperate, check or supervise the service of the sender.
  • The page that establishes the link can comply faithfully with the law and cannot under any circumstances arrange or link with own contents or third parties which are unlawful, injurious or adverse to the moral and good manners or result inappropriate and enter into conflict with the activity of TURBOMASTER, S.L,  


6. Cookies policy

The website you are visiting uses cookies to enhance navigation and obtain statistical data.

Cookies are text files that are installed on the computer from which you access this page and sent automatically, information to our server. Cookies are not viruses. Do not damage your computer or slow down its operation. You can delete them at any time, or reject them by configuring the navigation program that uses.

If you don't want to receive these cookies, you can configure your browser so that they be rejected. If not, we understand that we have your consent for installation.

Own cookies generated by our server. These cookies have different functions:

Authentication cookies: are used to recognize registered users who have "logged" on a web page. They are cookies that allow you access restricted access of the web sections, where access codes have been awarded for this.

If it rejects your installation or delete them, your login will not work correctly.

Interface personalization cookies: use them to facilitate your navigation. They are those that allow remember the size of the letter of the text to automatically configure our website to your preferences during your visit.

Refuse their installation or deletes them, browsing through our website will not be so simple.

If you have any questions about our cookies policy, please contact us at the following address: CL/ MAR MEDITERRANEO 1, NAVE 7, 28830, SAN FERNANDO DE HENARES, MADRID E-mail


7. - Intellectual and industrial property

All the contents of the web page:, are intellectual properties of TURBOMASTER, S.L or third parties and cannot be reproduced, copied, fixed, linked, transmitted, distributed or handled in any way and with any purpose, without previous authorisation and in writing of TURBOMASTER, S.L maintain in every moment the copyright intact and any other indicator of intellectual property of the materials or contents.  Every use or modification of the Material or the Contents for any other authorized purpose in the General Condition will be considered a violation of the international laws of copyright, which protect the author rights.


8. - Legislation and Code of Laws

The service performance is governed by the Spanish legislation, being competent the Madrid Courts, which the USER is specifically subject to.
